Carte CHIKARA Tightrope (11/06/2016) Paste_10

La CHIKARA présente l'événement Tightrope, le 11 Juin 2016 au Wrestle Factory de Philadelphie en Pennsylvanie, USA.

No DQ Match
“Mr. Touchdown” Mark Angelosetti vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado

6 Men Tag Team match
N_R_G (Race Jaxon & Hype Rockwell) & Fire Ant vs. Hallowicked & The Batiri (Obariyon & Kodama)

Singles Match
Eddie Kingston vs. Jaka

Singles Match
Missile Assault Man vs. Icarus

4 Way Elimination Tag Team Match
Princess Kimberlee & Heidi Lovelace vs. The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) vs. ??? vs. ???

Singles Match
Oleg the Usurper vs. Jigsaw