David Otunga [Identité] 2930708577_1_3

-Nom de Catcheur: David Otunga
-Vrai nom: David Daniel Otunga
-Date de naissance: 07/04/1980
-Lieux de naissance: Elgin, Illinois
-Taille: 1m83
-Poids: 110Kg
-Entrainé par: FCW
-Debut Professionnel: 2008
Florida Championship Wrestling (2008-2010)
World Wrestling Entertainment (2010- ?)

-Anciennes gimmicks/Surnoms:
Alexander Dawson


-Prise de finition:
The Uranage

>World Wrestling Entertainment
WWE Tag Team Championship (2)

>PWI Award

2010 Rookie of the Year

-PWI 500 Ranking:
207e en 2010

-Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/DavidOtunga