Chris Jericho révèle qu'il devait être le "Host" de WWE Tough Enough Chris+Jericho+Y2J

Lors d'un show radio ce week-end, Chris Jericho révèle qu'initialement, il devait être le "Host" de la saison actuelle de WWE Tough Enough. Cela ne s'est pas fait à cause de la proposition pour participer au jeu télévisé "Dancing With The Stars".
Enfin, il dit que Steve Austin fait du bon boulot dans cette émission.

"At one point I was in talks to host the show, but then Dancing With The Stars came up so it just wasn't going to work out. Steve's doing a great job – he's made it his show at this point. But it could have been Chris Jericho hosting the show and it would have had a bit of a different slant. I don't think I could have been as tough on those guys as Steve is. He's like a drill sergeant. It's fun to watch them squirm."

Source : Lordsofpain