Un incroyable succès pour la Nu-Wrestling Evolution en France. 4 shows venait de se terminer que 3sont pleins à craquer dans les villes de Toulon, Saint-Étienne et Montpellier. Un énorme enthousiasme de la part de nombreuses familles, enfants et adolescents.

Depuis ces incroyables succés, d'autres shows sont prévus en France pour le mois de Septembre. Pleins de surprises et de nouvelles stars sont prévus !

Spoiler :

En attendant, voici les résultats des plusieurs shows en France :

TOULON 25th March 2009 Zenith Omega

Match 1: Leroy Kincaide vs Heddi Karaoui
Winner: Heddi Karaoui

Match 2: Vito vs Black Mask
Winner: Vito

Match 3: Bad Bones vs S.J.K.
Winner: S.J.K.

Match 4: Darksoul vs Jody Fleish
Winner: Darksoul

Match 5: Supernova vs Kyle Ashmore
Winner: Supernova

Match 6: Annie Social & Sarah Jones vs Roxi & Maurice Le Peccateure

Winner: Roxi & Maurice Le Peccateure

Match 7: Main Event Orlando Jordan with Regina & Black Pearl vs Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky

Winner: Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky

REIMS 29th March 2009 Salle de Tys

Match 1: Leroy Kincaide vs Heddi Karaoui
Winner: Heddi Karaoui

Match 2: Joe E. Legend vs Kyle Ashmore
Winner: Joe E. Legend

Match 3: Hardcore Match Bad Bones vs S.J.K
Winner: S.J.K.

Match 4: Andy Simmonz vs Jody Fleish vs Supernova
Winner: Supernova

Match 5: Darksoul vs Vito
Winner: Vito

Match 6: Annie Social vs Sarah Jones vs Roxi
Winner: Sarah Jones

Match 7: Main Event Orlando with Regina & Black Pearl vs Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky

Winner: Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky

SAINT-ETIENNE 2nd April 2009 Zenith Metropole
Match 1: Leroy Kincaide vs Heddi Karaoui
Winner: Heddi Karaoui

Match 2: Joe E. Legend vs Kyle Ashmore
Winner: Joe E. Legend
Match 3: Hardcore Match Bad Bones vs S.J.K
Winner: S.J.K.
Match 4: Andy Simmonz vs Jody Fleish vs Supernova
Winner: Supernova

Match 5: Darksoul vs Vito
Winner: Vito
Match 6: Bikini contest: Roxy vs Sarah Jones vs Annie Social with special judge Maurice Le Peccateur
Winner: Sarah Jones
Match 7: Main Event Orlando with Regina & Black Pearl vs Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky
Winners: Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky
MONTPELLIER 3rd April Zenith Sur
Match 1: Leroy Kincaide vs Heddi Karaoui
Winner: Heddi Karaoui

Match 2: Black Mask & Dark Soul vs Joe E. Legend
Winner: Joe E. Legend
Match 3: Hardcore Match Bad Bones vs S.J.K
Winner: S.J.K.
Match 4: Vito vs Kyle Ashmore
Winner: Vito
Match 5: Andy Simmonz vs Jody Fleish vs Supernova
Winner: Supernova

Match 6: Bikini contest: Roxy vs Sarah Jones vs Annie Social with special judge Maurice Le Peccateur
Winner: Sarah Jones
Match 7: Main Event Orlando with Regina & Black Pearl vs Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky
Winners: Tiny Iron & Gene Snitsky