The Sandman [Identité] 15

-Nom de Catcheur: The Sandman
-Vrai nom: James Fullington
-Date de naissance: 16 Juin 1963
-Lieux de residence: Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie
-Taille: 1m92
-Poids: 113kg
-Entrainé par:
Larry Winters
Tri-State Wrestling Academy
Joel Goodhart
Mark Tendler
J.T. Smith
-Debut Professionnel: 1989

-Anciennes gimmicks:
Hardcore Hak (WCW)

-Prise de finition:
Singapore Cane Shot
White Russian Legsweep

-Prises favorites:
Heinekenrana (Hurricanrana)

>NWA/TNA (National Wrestling Alliance/Total Non-Stop Action)
2003 NWA/TNA Hard 10 Tournament Winner

>ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling)
ECW Heavyweight Champion(5)
ECW Tag Team Champion

>WEW (World Entertainment Wrestling)
WEW Tag Team Champion

>FOW (Future of Wrestling)
FOW Hardcore Champion

>UWF (Universal Wrestling Federation) UWF Tag Team Champion
UWF Heavyweight Champion

>UXW (USA Xtreme Wrestling)
UXW United States Champion

>SSCW (Stars & Stripes Championship Wrestling)
SSCW Heavyweight Champion

-PWI 500 Ranking:

-Site officiel: