Il a annoncé sur son myspace qu'il se retirait du monde de la lutte après sa prochaine tournée en Irlande.

Et voila quelques extraits interessants

"They say nobody retires from wrestling. I can't
tell you how much I hate to hear guys say "it's all I know" and keep
working long after they should and die or be permanently [sic]
disabled. You have to come to terms when you ask yourself what is your
health worth? To me? You can't put a price on it! So what are you
wrestling for? One man's greed so he might throw you a bone? I loved
wrestling, it was good to me. I'm still young, I'm in the shape of my
life I've got some money tucked away. I never got into wrestling to be
rich and famous."


"I was told my problem was I never "kissed enough
ass." As we all know wrestling is not real and it is very political
backstage and as a man I could never bring myself to consort with the
people that I didn't care for even if that meant making less money and
not getting a world title. The world title is not real but my dignity
was and I feel I never comprimised it. I said "no" to Vince a few times
which I was told is unheard of and the kiss of death. I personally
don't have bad things to say about Vince. I can appreciate what he's
done! I wonder what it's like to have everyone [sic] who works for you
tell you yes and your ideas are great because they are terrified about
losing their job. I will never know nor do I want to."